четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Federation time to reflect on future: politicians

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Federation time to reflect on future: politicians

Australians have been asked to use the Centenary of Federation to discuss the country's future.

Leading politicians and activists say the 100th anniversary of nationhood is the right
time to think about past mistakes and future challenges.

Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD has described federation as a tremendous success, saying
Australia had overcome great obstacles in developing a continent-wide democracy.

Mr HOWARD says this year will give Australians an opportunity to pause and appreciate
what's been achieved.

Centenary of Federation Minister PETER MCGAURAN says Australians will celebrate the
Centenary of Federation quietly, learning about its history.

And Opposition Leader KIM BEAZLEY says reconciliation should be a key issue in a year
of reflection on Australia's past achievements and future challenges.

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